Composer-Performers Merche Blasco, Marina Cyrino and Ute Wassermann create an ever-evolving immersive sonic landscape that blends human, ...
Oddkins presents a new collaboration between Felicity Mangan and Merche Blasco alongside Luisa Pereira's customised Machine Learning powered tool. Through a ...
Composed at a time when individual and communal acts reverberate with deafening force across great distances, “Através” follows sound as it traverses ...
Site-specific participatory performance for Eufònic Festival 2023. Participants were invited to navigate in puntonas (traditional fishing boats of this ...
CAR[n]E is a composition for four voices and live electronics. Conceived as a diptych, the first part of the piece confronts the disappearance of the human ...
Téntere, nublo is a site-specific public performance for Tudela’s historic district, in the North of Spain, culminating in a participatory sound performance ...
Vibrant Strata was presented at The Shed on June 24&25, 2021 as part of the Open Call Commission Program Vibrant Strata is an experimental music ...
Mo(u)rning is a site-specific piece performed in Prospect Park, NYC on World Migratory Bird Day by Euphonium players Christopher McIntyre and Weston ...
This piece began when I listened for the first time to the 3D printer at a biology lab while I was there to collect electromagnetic field recordings for ...
Sonic cartography composed when I was living in the Spanish Pyrenees and encountered a series of defensive bunkers ordered by the dictator Franco and built ...
Bardenas is a composition for variable ensemble and multichannel field recordings. The graphic score is composed of a series of twelve images that ...
EEMF03: Rinoceronte azul is the third installment in a series of multichannel pieces in which I explore and perform the electromagnetic field activity (EMF) of ...
EEMF04 is the fourth installment in a series of multichannel pieces in which I explore and perform the electromagnetic field activity (EMF) of the buildings ...
FAUNA is a live improvisation with a set of custom-made instruments/artifacts used to process field recordings, incorporating body movements and the live ...
Site-specific composition made in collaboration with Viola Yip and performed by The Rhythm Method. Click, hum, zrrr explores the intersection between the ...
An array of technological performative systems that explore the nature of the world as vibrant matter, human and non- human, in constant interplay. Vibrant ...
Honk 210Hz is a site-specific participatory sound performance in the observation space of NYC’s High Line, presented in June 2015 with the support of ...
She Resonates is podcast series made in collaboration with Las Marias that seeks to explore the interrelation between sound, politics, and gender. Each ...
Generative sound system developed for the video installation "The weather has been nice" by Andrea Wolf. The system uses postcards provided by the visual ...
Audible Crossed Geographies is an ongoing series of soundpieces sonically merging my steps as they navigate two locations that couldn’t otherwise ...
Participatory sound performance that invites participants to explore a section of the High Line gardens at night by flashlight. A grid of hidden sensors ...
The gestural interface for Lobatus is constructed from ceramic pieces and wood. This project combines haptic feedback gestures with non-haptic ones. The ...
Espongina is a gestural controller using water and wood to produce sound through interaction with audio software. The initial drive to create this instrument ...
Participatory performance that gathers the city’s seasoned and casual cyclists to perform a piece for bicycle bells. Riders travel through a selected ...
Participants in Ciudad Jardín are invited to explore a community garden at night by flashlight, as a grid of hidden light sensors monitor the ...
The Theremin Orchestra is a modular system combining theremin sensors with live vocal performance. Two theremins apply effects to the three singers’ voices, ...
Site-specific sculptural platform for the exchange of musical events. Functioning both as dynamic score and instrument, the active structure will be integral ...
Gestural controller made from elastic fabric and soft circuits. Data is generated by the movement of the performer’s upper body and how she twists and ...
Co-curated by REVERSE gallery, Thessia Machado and Merche Blasco, “Acoustic formulae” brought together a group of sound artists who work with formulas ...
Burbuja is the alter ego as an Electronic Musician of Merche Blasco created in 2003. Since its conception she participated & collaborated with various ...
Interactive lights embedded in the costumes created by Miren Maranon as the visual support of a performance. The lights create a dialog between the two ...